Welcome to Sight Support West of England

Supporting Blind and Partially-Sighted People across Bristol, Bath, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire

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Sight Loss Advisor conducting training with client on computer
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Whether it's volunteering with us, organising a fundraiser or providing a donation, your involvement makes us who we are.

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Our Services

We offer a range of services including advice, guidance, technology demonstration, sporting event and visual awareness training.

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Please support us! Your donation no matter how big or small makes a BIG difference.


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Up-coming events in your area, from information and advice sessions to social groups and sporting events.

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Work for us

Work for us

Interested in joining us? We currently have a Community Sight Loss Advisor role (BaNES area) available.

Find out more about "Work for us"

Who’s Who in the Hospital Eye Clinic
  • Health & Wellbeing tags
  • Understanding eye conditions and registration tags

Who’s Who in the Hospital Eye Clinic

Read about the different roles there are in an Eye Hospital and what each person does

Download about "Who’s Who in the Hospital Eye Clinic" (DOCX 80 KB)

Summer Raffle

Summer Raffle

Raffles are a brilliant way for us to raise funds.  If you would like to take part and have a chance of winning, you can buy your tickets online here or by calling our Devizes office

Find out more about "Summer Raffle"