Knowledge Hub
Our collection of resources designed specifically to help people living with sight loss.
This section contains our own guides and also links to others’ websites and resources.
You can filter by subject or just scroll through.

Visually Impaired awareness document to use at hospital
A visual impairment awareness notice to use if you are staying in hospital.
Find out more about "Visually Impaired awareness document to use at hospital"

Tips and Tricks At Home
Managing at home can be one of the biggest challenges when diagnosed with sight loss. Everyday tasks can sometimes seem insurmountable, there are many simple tips and tricks that can make a difference.

Who’s Who in the Hospital Eye Clinic
Read about the different roles there are in an Eye Hospital and what each person does
Download about "Who’s Who in the Hospital Eye Clinic" (DOCX 80 KB)

More and more people are enjoying podcasts but with so many podcasts out there, it can be hard to know where to start, here are a few suggestions to get you started.

Tips and tricks for parenting with sight loss
Tips, tricks and advice other blind and partially sighted parents have offered to parents and grandparents living with sight loss..
Download about "Tips and tricks for parenting with sight loss" (DOCX 120 KB)

Tips and Tricks for Holidaying
Going on holiday can be accessible and enjoyable to those living with sight loss, our 15 tips might help you navigate some of the issues.

Tips and Tricks – In the Kitchen
We’ve collected some of your handy hints to help make navigating your kitchen and cooking meals a little bit easier, and of course to help you stay safe.

Tips and Tricks in the Garden
Whether you have a small window box or space to create flower beds, you may find some of these tips helpful to stay independent in the garden.

Sport and Leisure Groups Taking Place Across The Region
Find details of local and online groups offering leisure and sporting opportunities.
Find out more about "Sport and Leisure Groups Taking Place Across The Region"

Tips and Tricks for Reading and Writing
Ten quick tips for reading and writing. From magnifiers and lighting, to audiobooks, writing guides and large print calendars.
Find out more about "Tips and Tricks for Reading and Writing"

Get into the Garden!
Discover how gardening can be a pastime you can enjoy with some adaptations and clever tips and tricks.

Support Groups and Services Taking Place Across the Region
Find details of regular support groups and serivices that take place locally and online.
Find out more about "Support Groups and Services Taking Place Across the Region"

The Emotional Impact of Sight Loss
Sight Loss can affect a person’s emotional life, identity, and mental wellbeing. Find out how the 5 stages of grief theory can help you come to terms with sight loss.

Standing Exercises for Older People
Our audio-described exercise sessions are specifically designed for older people with visual impairments to do in the comfort of their own home. Ten sessions are available.

Seated Exercises for Older People
Our audio-described exercise sessions are designed specifically for older people to help with balance, stretching, muscle strengthening and cardio. Six sessions available.

Kitchen Skills and Simple Recipes
This booklet covers the most important areas of consideration when in the kitchen, provides handy tips, describes some of the specialist equipment available, and includes some easy recipes for you to try.
Download about "Kitchen Skills and Simple Recipes" (PDF 187 KB)

Getting out and about
New places can be hard to navigate – or feel quite dangerous. It can be really helpful to take someone with you – and that is why lots of places...
Fraud Advice Audio File
This audio guide, produced by our local Fraud Protection Officer, explains what to look out for, how to protect yourself, and what to do if you're a victim of a scam.

Fraud Advice – Large Print
Scams: What are they, how to avoid them, and what to do if you fall victim to a scam

Travel Apps for Bus Journeys
Travel Apps can help you plan your journey by entering your destination into the search box, the App will then give you a route plan, including bus numbers and departure times.

Making Technology Work for You – Devices that can help
Practically every new phone, tablet or computer has built-in accessibility functions which can make a real difference to people with sight loss. Read this brief summary of some of the devices which can help.
Find out more about "Making Technology Work for You – Devices that can help"

Technology in Your Pocket
So many of us have a smart phone or tablet sat on the table next to us or in our pockets, but are we all making the most of them? There are a few simple things you can do to make your device work for you.

Rehabilitation – What is it?
An insight into what rehabilitation is, what it covers, how it may help you and how to get this type of support if you need it.

Sight Loss – what we needed to know
This booklet is full of useful information put together by people living with sight loss at different stages of their journeys. Includes quotes about their experiences, and their top 10 tips for coping with sight loss.
Download about "Sight Loss – what we needed to know" (DOCX 61 KB)

Is social media worthwhile?
Social media gets a bad rap but we believe it can be very useful when used in the right way. We suggest some people to look up on social media who offer different perspectives on living with sight loss.

Accessible places to visit across the region
Being blind or partially sighted doesn’t mean you can’t have great days out in your local area. Follow these links to find out about accessible places to visit across Bristol,...
Find out more about "Accessible places to visit across the region"

“Be My Eyes” App
Alun Davies reviews this must have App for blind and partially sighted people. I have been totally blind since 1978. In 2015 I discovered the iPhone and this I told...

Identifying Sterling Currency With Little or No Vision
Learn how to distinguish between coins and notes when you can't see them.
Find out more about "Identifying Sterling Currency With Little or No Vision"

Making Technology Work For You – Built in technology
Your everyday technology (e.g. mobile phone / tablet) has a large range of built in features you can use to help with the challenges sight loss can pose.
Find out more about "Making Technology Work For You – Built in technology"

Reading Independently
No matter what level of sight you have, there are ways in which we can help you to remain an independent reader.

Making Tech Work for you – Travel Apps
Travel apps can help with planning and safely navigating your journey - find out more.
Find out more about "Making Tech Work for you – Travel Apps"

Are We There Yet? Holidaying With Sight Loss
Find out about holidaying when you have sight loss, the accessible options and adaptations that can help make your holiday great.
Find out more about "Are We There Yet? Holidaying With Sight Loss"

Making Tech Work for You – Online Shopping
Marc Gulwell, our Sight Loss Advisor Manager writes about how shopping online has helped him. As someone registered blind, one of the most difficult things I have found to do...
Find out more about "Making Tech Work for You – Online Shopping"

Find out about Cataracts - their symptoms, how they are diagnosed, what can cause them, how they can be treated and links to further resources.

Charles Bonnet Syndrome
Find out about Charles Bonnet Syndrome - its symptoms, how it is diagnosed, what can cause it, how to manage it and links to further resources.

Diabetic Retinopathy
Find out about Diabetic Retinopathy - its symptoms, how it is diagnosed, what causes it, how it can be managed and links to further resources.

Find out about Glaucoma - its symptoms, how it is diagnosed, what causes it, how it can be managed and links to further resources.

Macular Degeneration
Find out about Macular Degeneration- its symptoms, how it is diagnosed, what causes it, how it can be managed and links to further resources.

Retinitis Pigmentosa
Find out about Retinitis Pigmentosa - its symptoms, how it is diagnosed, what causes it, how it can be managed and links to further resources.

Employment – Applying for a Job
Large print document, covering applying for a job: writing a CV, completing application forms and writing a covering letter.
Download about "Employment – Applying for a Job" (DOCX 657 KB)

Employment – Preparing for Work
Large print document, covering where to get advice; what training courses are available, and how to start looking for work.
Download about "Employment – Preparing for Work" (DOCX 665 KB)

Employment – My Rights
Large print document, covering what to do if an employer asks about your visual Impairment; what actions an employer must take to help, and what financial support is available.

Employment – First Steps
Ready to think about employment? This document helps guide you through some of the initial questions to ask yourself to help identify possible careers.

Technology Guides
Have a look through our range of accessible guides to help you make the most of the technology you have in your home.

British Blind Sport – Active at Home
British Blind Sport have produced a range of audio-led workouts, covering a wide range of activities such as Yoga, Pilates, HIIT, Boxercise and Strength. Link to their webpage below.

Sight Guiding – Countryside walking
How to guide someone who with sight loss on a non-conventional walking route. Covers communication, good guiding practice, potential dangers and how to overcome them.
Download about "Sight Guiding – Countryside walking" (DOCX 95 KB)

Blind Person’s Tax Allowance
Find out about the Blind Persons Tax Allowance, what it is, who is eligible and how to apply.

Audio Described Breathwork Practice Class
This 10-minute YouTube session produced by Metro Blind Sport is a perfect way to de-stress. An audio-described introduction to Breathwork Practice.

Accessible workouts for people with sight loss
This YouTube channel from Eyes Free Fitness contains 24 classes, including workouts, yoga classes, pilates, balance and stretch exercises.
Follow link to "Accessible workouts for people with sight loss"

Accessible Information Standard
A brief overview of the Accessible Information Standard, which aims to make sure that people who have a disability or sensory loss get information in a format that they can access and understand.
Download about "Accessible Information Standard" (DOCX 26 KB)