Understanding eye conditions and registration articles

Who’s Who in the Hospital Eye Clinic
Read about the different roles there are in an Eye Hospital and what each person does
Download about "Who’s Who in the Hospital Eye Clinic" (DOCX 80 KB)

Support Groups and Services Taking Place Across the Region
Find details of regular support groups and serivices that take place locally and online.
Find out more about "Support Groups and Services Taking Place Across the Region"

Rehabilitation – What is it?
An insight into what rehabilitation is, what it covers, how it may help you and how to get this type of support if you need it.

Sight Loss – what we needed to know
This booklet is full of useful information put together by people living with sight loss at different stages of their journeys. Includes quotes about their experiences, and their top 10 tips for coping with sight loss.
Download about "Sight Loss – what we needed to know" (DOCX 61 KB)

Find out about Cataracts - their symptoms, how they are diagnosed, what can cause them, how they can be treated and links to further resources.

Charles Bonnet Syndrome
Find out about Charles Bonnet Syndrome - its symptoms, how it is diagnosed, what can cause it, how to manage it and links to further resources.

Diabetic Retinopathy
Find out about Diabetic Retinopathy - its symptoms, how it is diagnosed, what causes it, how it can be managed and links to further resources.

Find out about Glaucoma - its symptoms, how it is diagnosed, what causes it, how it can be managed and links to further resources.

Macular Degeneration
Find out about Macular Degeneration- its symptoms, how it is diagnosed, what causes it, how it can be managed and links to further resources.

Retinitis Pigmentosa
Find out about Retinitis Pigmentosa - its symptoms, how it is diagnosed, what causes it, how it can be managed and links to further resources.

Accessible Information Standard
A brief overview of the Accessible Information Standard, which aims to make sure that people who have a disability or sensory loss get information in a format that they can access and understand.
Download about "Accessible Information Standard" (DOCX 26 KB)