Supporting through your business
Support your local sight loss charity through fundraising, volunteering, partnerships and more.

As a local charities Sight Support West of England, Insight Gloucestershire and Wiltshire Sight are keen to connect with local businesses who want to support their communities. Our clients are your customers, and by working together you can demonstrate your community credentials and raise awareness of your business, whilst providing invaluable support to a local charity which is really making a difference to people’s daily lives.
You can get involved in a number of ways, through team fundraising challenges or volunteering days, a Charity of the Year partnership, or sponsorship of services. Get in touch and we can explore ideas together, or have a look through some of the ideas below.
Charity of the YearCharity of the Year partnerships can be hugely beneficial – to us and to you. We are focussed on local, face to face support, and we would love to work with businesses who also make an impact locally. |
SponsorshipYou can sponsor different aspects of our work, from our work with young people to our community hubs – get in touch if you would like to sponsor our events, activities, or even your local Community Sight Loss Advisor. |
VolunteeringIf your employees can give their time, volunteering can be a fantastic way to give to your community. There are lots of ways you can get involved, and we can work with you to find a project that fits your team. |
Fundraise for usGet colleagues involved and try something different to raise money. From cake sales to sponsored skydives to murder mysteries, there are so many possibilities! |
Corporate Away DaysAway days can be fun, challenging and include learning about living with sight loss. Why not support us by working together with your local sight loss charity? |
NetworkingCan you recommend us to your contacts? Do you know a business that could support us? If you can help us grow our network, that could be a huge help to us. |
How does your business benefit?
Supporting local charities like Sight Support West of England, Insight Gloucestershire or Wiltshire Sight can really demonstrate to both your staff and your customers your commitment to supporting the community. It can help boost staff morale, bring teams together and offer training opportunities for colleagues. We can arrange for employees to come and see the work that they are supporting, which we hope will encourage fundraising efforts!
Fundraising can be a great way to engage with the local community. We will work with you to make sure that your fundraising efforts reach as many people as possible For more information please, call Jen on 0117 322 4885 or email
Your support makes a different to people like Robert…
Robert was a HGV driver, living with his family in Norfolk, when he had a stroke and lost his sight. Upon losing his sight, Robert’s family situation broke down and he moved out, relocating to Wiltshire and sleeping on a friend’s sofa.
Robert felt extremely overwhelmed and daunted when he lost his sight, as he had to relearn how to do so much, in a new town with a very small support network. Robert was put in touch with Alan, one of our Community Sight Loss Advisors and Alan took the time to listen and understand Robert’s situation, providing support in all areas, from helping with new housing, to involving him in local sight loss events, including the monthly Community Tea. In his own words, Robert said, “I don’t know where I’d be without Alan.”
Robert enjoys spending time in the local library and has discovered that he can still read large print books with the right lighting. He has also signed up to our audio library, receiving several books through his door each month. Robert looks forward to opportunities to meet with other people living with sight loss, such as at our regular drop ins and social events.
When we asked Robert what advice he’d give to someone who has recently started their sight loss journey, he said, “However much it may feel like it is, it isn’t the end of the world. Approach it positively and take on the challenge and it will open up a whole new world to you.”