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Tips and tricks for parenting with sight loss
Tips, tricks and advice other blind and partially sighted parents have offered to parents and grandparents living with sight loss..
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Tips and Tricks for Holidaying
Going on holiday can be accessible and enjoyable to those living with sight loss, our 15 tips might help you navigate some of the issues.

Standing Exercises for Older People
Our audio-described exercise sessions are specifically designed for older people with visual impairments to do in the comfort of their own home. Ten sessions are available.

Seated Exercises for Older People
Our audio-described exercise sessions are designed specifically for older people to help with balance, stretching, muscle strengthening and cardio. Six sessions available.

Getting out and about
New places can be hard to navigate – or feel quite dangerous. It can be really helpful to take someone with you – and that is why lots of places...

Travel Apps for Bus Journeys
Travel Apps can help you plan your journey by entering your destination into the search box, the App will then give you a route plan, including bus numbers and departure times.

“Be My Eyes” App
Alun Davies reviews this must have App for blind and partially sighted people. I have been totally blind since 1978. In 2015 I discovered the iPhone and this I told...

Making Technology Work For You – Built in technology
Your everyday technology (e.g. mobile phone / tablet) has a large range of built in features you can use to help with the challenges sight loss can pose.
Find out more about "Making Technology Work For You – Built in technology"

Making Tech Work for you – Travel Apps
Travel apps can help with planning and safely navigating your journey - find out more.
Find out more about "Making Tech Work for you – Travel Apps"

Are We There Yet? Holidaying With Sight Loss
Find out about holidaying when you have sight loss, the accessible options and adaptations that can help make your holiday great.
Find out more about "Are We There Yet? Holidaying With Sight Loss"